一眾「賽馬會學人」在我們小組導師的帶領下,對往年的學習及旅程進行了深度反思,討論了各自作為未來社會領䄂對不同社會議題(包括環保、貧窮、平權、科技、文藝發展、教育、文化保育以 及身心靈健康等)可以如何作出貢獻。在分享及深度回顧的過程中,學人們更認識了其他想法相近的朋輩,互相在學業、事業、社會服務及創新方面啟發,訂立了新一年的行動目標。
This August, EFG organised a Retreat Day for the recipients of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship 2022. During the Retreat, the young JC Scholars reflected on their learning journeys and personal growth over the past year, as well as envisioned their future development.
Under the guidance of our team of facilitators, participants engaged in in-depth individual #reflections on their past learning and journeys, discussing how they can contribute, as future leaders, to various social issues in Hong Kong–including environmental protection, poverty, equal rights, technology, artistic development, education, cultural preservation and mental well-being. Through group sharing and profound reflection, the JC Scholars gained a wider and deepened understanding of different perspectives and connected with other like-minded Scholars, inspiring each other in pursuits in academia, careers, community service, and innovation. They also set new action plans for the upcoming academic year.
It is our pleasure to guide and inspire these future caring leaders. We hope to see the JC Scholars continuing to make progress in their respective fields in the coming year and beyond!
香港賽馬會獎學金計劃 — 退修反思培訓